Gravity Yoga Nervous System Hack #4 is called ‘Scrub’.
This is how it works: once you’ve inflated your specific ‘Target’ using the inhale, you’ll then hold your breath while imagining a warm white light scrubbing the area of tension.
What good does this do?
Well…how do you get plaque off your teeth, or mold off the grout in your bathroom, or wine stains off of your white shirt?
You scrub! Sometimes gently, sometimes quite vigorously.
This is also true of hacking your neuromuscular system for flexibility. If you want the stretch to permanently work its way into your fascia — aka if you want all of the physical tension out of your body — you’ll have to do a little inner-body cleansing.
That cleansing is ‘Scrubbing.’
While maintaining the inhale, the area you’ve targeted will naturally get warmer, brighter and softer. From there, you’ll simply hold and scrub for as long as you possibly can, trying to get into allllll the little nooks and crannies.
This is the short version, so if you want a fuller tutorial check out my Deeper. Slower. Easier. Level 1 training. It describes how the inhale naturally releases tension.
Otherwise, I’ll see you in the next hack.
– Ethan ॐ
P.S. You can use ‘Scrub’ in the practice section during a pose called “Lizard Lunge.” It’s a classic yoga pose, and will really get into your hips, ankle and knee. Give it a go — it’s a juicy stretch!
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